Lunar Lounge



Welcome to the Muse Mail Lunar Lounge! This is your sacred space, a haven where you'll find an abundance of resources each month designed to assist you in life and business.



On May 7th, the New Moon in Taurus blesses us with its serene and abundant energy, guiding us to reconnect with our sense of worthiness and the bountiful treasures that surround us. Taurus, ruled by Venus, invites us to indulge in the luxuries of life and revel in the tangible pleasures that bring us joy.

At this time, we are encouraged to reflect on our relationship with abundance and self-worth. Taurus teaches us that true wealth extends beyond material possessions, encompassing the richness of our experiences, relationships, and inner worthiness. This New Moon invites us to cultivate a deep sense of gratitude for the abundance that already exists in our lives and to affirm our inherent worthiness to receive even more.

As the Moon aligns with the Sun in Taurus, it illuminates the path for us to set intentions related to our financial security, self-value, and physical well-being. This is a powerful opportunity to plant seeds of intention for manifesting prosperity in all areas of our lives, trusting in the abundance of the universe to support our desires.

Furthermore, Taurus reminds us of the importance of patience and perseverance on our journey towards abundance. By embracing a mindset of abundance and worthiness, and taking steady steps towards our goals, we can lay a solid foundation for our dreams to flourish and thrive.

In essence, the New Moon in Taurus encourages us to bask in the abundant blessings of life, while affirming our worthiness to receive them. Let us embrace the energy of stability, abundance, and patience, knowing that we are deserving of all the richness that life has to offer. 🌱✨

New Moon in Taurus Activations. Look to your rising sign for guidance.

♈ Aries Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 2nd House):

House Activated: The 2nd House of Finances, Values, and Self-Worth.

Guidance: This New Moon invites you to focus on your finances and material security. Take a closer look at your budget, savings, and spending habits. Reflect on your values and how they influence your relationship with money. It's a favourable time to cultivate a greater sense of self-worth and abundance.

♉ Taurus Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 1st House):

House Activated: The 1st House of Self, Identity, and New Beginnings.

Guidance: With the New Moon in your own sign, it's all about you! Take this opportunity to set intentions for personal growth and self-improvement. Consider how you want to present yourself to the world and what changes you'd like to make to enhance your sense of identity and purpose.

♊ Gemini Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 12th House):

House Activated: The 12th House of Spirituality, Inner Healing, and Subconscious Mind.

Guidance: During this New Moon, dive deep into your subconscious mind and explore your spiritual beliefs and practices. Take time for introspection and inner healing work. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition, as they may hold valuable insights and guidance for your journey ahead.

♋ Cancer Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 11th House):

House Activated: The 11th House of Friendships, Social Networks, and Goals.

Guidance: This New Moon encourages you to focus on your social connections and aspirations. Reflect on your friendships and community involvement. Set intentions for your future goals and dreams, and consider how you can collaborate with others to achieve them.

♌ Leo Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 10th House):

House Activated: The 10th House of Career, Public Image, and Life Path.

Guidance: Use this New Moon energy to focus on your career aspirations and public image. Reflect on your professional goals and the legacy you want to leave behind. Consider how you can align your career path with your long-term ambitions and values.

♍ Virgo Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 9th House):

House Activated: The 9th House of Higher Learning, Philosophy, and Travel.

Guidance: This New Moon invites you to expand your horizons and explore new possibilities. Consider pursuing higher education or learning opportunities that align with your interests. Reflect on your beliefs and philosophy of life, and consider planning a journey or adventure to broaden your perspective.

♎ Libra Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 8th House):

House Activated: The 8th House of Transformation, Intimacy, and Shared Resources.

Guidance: During this New Moon, dive into matters of intimacy, transformation, and shared resources. Reflect on your deepest desires and emotional connections with others. Consider how you can cultivate greater trust and vulnerability in your relationships. Explore opportunities for financial investments or collaborations that can lead to mutual growth and transformation.

♏ Scorpio Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 7th House):

House Activated: The 7th House of Partnerships, Relationships, and Contracts.

Guidance: This New Moon shines a spotlight on your partnerships and close relationships. Reflect on the dynamics within your relationships and how you can foster greater harmony and balance. Consider setting intentions for finding or deepening romantic connections, as well as collaborating effectively with others in both personal and professional settings.

♐ Sagittarius Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 6th House):

House Activated: The 6th House of Health, Routine, and Service.

Guidance: Use this New Moon energy to focus on your health and well-being, as well as your daily routines and habits. Reflect on areas where you can make improvements to support your physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Consider how you can incorporate more self-care practices into your daily life and find fulfilment through acts of service to others.

♑ Capricorn Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 5th House):

House Activated: The 5th House of Creativity, Romance, and Self-Expression.

Guidance: During this New Moon, embrace your inner child and allow yourself to play, create, and express yourself freely. Explore your creative passions and hobbies, and consider how you can infuse more joy and spontaneity into your life. Set intentions for finding love, nurturing romantic connections, and expressing your authentic self with confidence.

♒ Aquarius Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 4th House):

House Activated: The 4th House of Home, Family, and Emotional Security.

Guidance: This New Moon encourages you to focus on your home life and emotional well-being. Reflect on your roots, family dynamics, and sense of belonging. Consider how you can create a nurturing and supportive environment for yourself and your loved ones. Set intentions for finding emotional security and building a strong foundation for your future.

♓ Pisces Rising (New Moon in Taurus activates the 3rd House):

House Activated: The 3rd House of Communication, Learning, and Siblings.

Guidance: Use this New Moon energy to focus on communication and learning. Reflect on how you express yourself and interact with others in your immediate environment. Consider opportunities for learning and skill development, as well as strengthening connections with siblings or neighbors. Set intentions for clear and effective communication, as well as expanding your knowledge base.


Taurus Season

Taurus Season

𓃓 Taurus Season ♀ Taurus Season

Taurus season, a time when the world slows down, and we're invited to savour life's simple pleasures and cultivate a deeper connection with the earth. During this serene and steadfast season, we can align ourselves with the energies of stability, abundance, and sensuality.

Welcome to your daily practice of tuning into your energy and embracing mindful movement. Whether you're feeling low on energy or buzzing with high vibes, remember to approach each moment with gentle intention and grace. Find daily guidance below for when you are low in energy and high in energy throughout this season. As always my love, only do what resonates with you and leave the rest.


  • Connect with Nature: Take leisurely strolls in the park, breathe in the earthy scents, and feel the solid ground beneath your feet. Taurus season thrives on nature's tranquility, so allow yourself to be enveloped by its calming embrace.

  • Savour Sensual Pleasures: Indulge in cosy rituals that engage your senses—sip on herbal teas, relish delicious meals made with love, or immerse yourself in soothing baths with essential oils. Let the sensual delights of life rejuvenate your spirit.

  • Cultivate Gratitude: Slow down and appreciate the beauty of the present moment. Practice gratitude by acknowledging the abundance in your life, whether it's the warmth of the sun on your skin or the laughter of loved ones.


  • Harness Your Determination: Channel the steadfast determination of the Bull and tackle tasks with unwavering focus. Set clear goals and methodically work towards achieving them, step by step.

  • Engage in Physical Activity: Energise your body with physical movement that feels joyful and grounding. Whether it's yoga, dancing, or tending to your garden, find activities that reconnect you with your physical strength and vitality.

  • Create Practical Rituals: Embrace the pleasure of productivity by establishing practical rituals that enhance your daily life. Organise your space, plan nourishing meals, or delve into creative projects that align with your long-term goals.

Remember, finding your flow isn't about pushing through with force but rather tuning into the natural rhythm of your body and surroundings. Trust in the wisdom of Taurus season to guide you towards a state of harmony and contentment, whether your energy is low or high.