“Embrace the sacred dance of ritual, for in its rhythm, our lives become poetry, our actions intentional, and our souls deeply nourished.”

Muse Mail

The Subscription

for Your Soul

Introducing Muse Mail, the subscription for your soul.

Step into the sacred space that is Muse Mail, the subscription service for your soul brought to you by Moonly Muse. In a world filled with distractions and chaos, we invite you to pause, breathe, and embark on a journey of intentional living.

At Muse Mail, we understand the transformative power of ritualising our lives. By infusing our daily routines with purpose and meaning, we can elevate our existence from mundane to magical. Whether you're seeking guidance through life's labyrinth or yearning to deepen your connection to yourself and the Universe , Muse Mail is here to support you every step of the way.


  • Daily Oracle Email: Awaken to the gentle whispers of the universe with our Daily Oracle Emails, delivered to your inbox each morning at 6am. Let these sacred messages guide you as you set your intentions for the day ahead, transforming your morning routine into a sacred ritual of alignment and clarity.

  • Weekly Sunday Flow Email: Immerse yourself in the deeper currents of life with our Weekly Sunday Flow Emails. Dive into astrological insights and spiritual guidance and invitations, allowing these sacred teachings to infuse your week with purpose and intention.

  • Sun Season Soulbook: Journey through the cycles of the sun with our Sun Season Soulbooks, a personalised guide designed to help you align your life with the energies of each season. Engage in soulful rituals and practices that honour the natural rhythms of the Universe.

  • Lunar Lounge (Members Area): Enter our sacred sanctuary, the Lunar Lounge, where you'll discover a treasure trove of monthly resources, activation’s, and downloadables. Immerse yourself in soul-nourishing practices and rituals that deepen your connection to self and spirit.

  • 10% Off All Classes and Guides: As a cherished member of Muse Mail, enjoy exclusive discounts on our classes and guides, empowering you to further expand your sacred journey with ease and grace.

  • Closed Stories on Instagram: Gain access to our intimate community on Instagram, where we gather for weekly card readings, journaling, and soulful conversations. Join us as we weave the threads of alignment, intention and meaning into the fabric of our lives.

  • (Coming Soon) Private Blog: Muse Mail members will gain exclusive access to our private blog, a sacred space where we dive deeper into personal shares, rituals, activation’s, and more. It's a sanctuary where we connect on a deeper level, sharing our journeys and empowering each other to grow and thrive.

Embrace the Sacred Journey

Ritualise your life with Muse Mail and embark on a soulful journey. By infusing your daily rituals with intention and meaning, you'll unlock the hidden magic that resides within you, guiding you towards a life of purpose, joy, and fulfilment. Come, join us on this sacred path, where every moment is a ritual, and every breath is a prayer.

Hi beautiful, I’m Kimmy.

I want to share with you the story behind Muse Mail because it's deeply rooted in my own journey. You see, I've always felt this longing for a guiding light, especially on those sacred paths we navigate as spiritual beings having a human experience. That's why I truly believe that we flourish when we have aligned guidance and support along the way. And that's exactly what Muse Mail is all about – it's here to walk alongside you, whether you're figuring out life's twists and turns or navigating the ins and outs of running a business, guiding you towards a more mindful and aligned existence.

Every little bit of Muse Mail comes straight from my heart and my own experiences. I've seen firsthand the incredible transformations that can happen when we embrace this kind of guidance. From wrestling with my own mental health battles to finally stepping into a life bursting with fulfilment and joy, I stand here today as living proof of its power.

I'd be honoured to have you join me on this journey within Muse Mail. And to show my gratitude for your presence, with each new subscription, I want to extend a gift – a whole month free to give as a gift to those souls who might be struggling financially right now or to someone you think could benefit from Muse Mail. When you sign up, you'll get a special code as a little thank you from me. It's my way of sprinkling some kindness into a world that could always use more of it.

Should you have any questions about Muse Mail, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can email us at contact@moonlymuse.co.uk. Thank you for finding yourself within our sacred space. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with you soon lovely.

Love & Light, Kimmy xoxo

"Within the sanctity of ritual, we find the alchemy of everyday magic, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary, and guiding us towards a life of purpose and meaning."